Friday, October 23, 2009

Who Me? Really?

An Award? Wow! I am happy and honored to receive the "One Lovely Blog" award from Katie over at Hippos and Dinosaurs . Thank you so much! Now it is my turn to pay it forward and share the love. My list of 15 newly discovered and much (in no particular order) is as follows:

1. Better After
2. Joys of Home
3. Design Sponge
4. Just a Girl
5. Its The Little Things That Make A House A Home
6. Making It Mine
7. Centsational Girl
8. Curbside Creations
9. Thrifty Decor Chick
10. Imperfectly Beautiful
11. A Soft Place to Land
12. Vintage Junky
13. 320 Sycamore
14. Nanny Goat
15. Nienie (Not a creative site, but the most inspiring woman EVER!!!)

So, congrats and thanks to all of YOU! You inspire me, you make me smile, you encourage me and you challenge me. Now--go and give out your own 15 awards to others that do the same for you!


  1. Thank you thank you thank you !
    I am most flattered and grateful !


  2. Thanks so much for the award! I really appreciate it!

    SMiles! Michelle

  3. Congratulations on the award and thank you so much for passing it along to me. I appreciate your thoughtfulness!
